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Serving Middle and South Georgia and the Surrounding Areas


Peach Paving

Have a paving-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Do you provide free estimates?

    Our estimates are always free. We try to schedule them in person within 48 hours. You'll schedule a time and one of our owners will visit your location and complete the estimate with you.

  • Will the owner be present during the estimate?

    You will work directly with the owners of Peach Paving. John or Moses will provide your on-site free estimate.

  • How soon can I drive on the new asphalt?

    We recommend driving on the new asphalt 24 hours after installation.

  • How do prevent the edges of my asphalt from cracking?

    We recommend that you backfill excess gravel or dirt on the edges of the asphalt and along the edges where your asphalt ends. This allows the gravel to take the damage of errant tires, leaving your asphalt less affected.

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